Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Elle Fanning

For more information on Elle Fanning, go to these sites:
- http://www.elle-fanning.org/
- http://www.elle-fanning.net/
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Elle_Fanning
- http://www.gs.princesspetal.co.uk/
For information on her sister Dakota Fanning, click here
Zooey Deschanel

For more information on Zooey Deschanel, go to these sites:
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Zooey_Deschanel
- http://www.celebopedia.com/zooey-deschanel/
- http://www.z-deschanel.org/
- http://zooey-deschanel.us/
- http://www.zooeydeschanel.org/
- Zooey Deschanel : ZooeyFan.NET : The Next Big Thing
- Z. Deschanel - Zooey Deschanel Fan Site
- Zooey-Fan.com Your Source for Everything Zooey Deschanel
- http://zooeyd.fan-sites.org/
- The Zooey Deschanel Picture Pages
- http://www.fedge.net/~zdeschanel/
For information on her sister Emily Deschanel , go to my latest blog here!
Emily Deschanel

For more information on Emily Deschanel, go to these sites:
- Temperance Brennan (Emily's character on FOX TV show Bones)
- EmilyDeschanel.com - Ultimate Emily Deschanel FanSite
- E. Deschanel
- emilyweb[dot]org;; //For all your Emily Deschanel Needs;;
- Celebopedia - Emily Deschanel
- Emily Deschanel Pictures - Emily Deschanel Photos - Emily ...
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Emily_Deschanel
- http://bonesfan.org/
- http://www.searchingbones.com/
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Emily Vancamp

For more information on Emily Vancamp, go to these sites:
- EMILYVANCAMP.ORG [ Your Ultimate Emily VanCamp Source ]
- EMILY VANCAMP ONLINE - The Original Emily VanCamp Resource
- Emily Vancamp Fan -- a fansite & fanlisting for actress emily vancamp
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Emily_Vancamp
- The Emily VanCamp Picture Pages
- Celebopedia - Emily VanCamp
- EmilyVC - Home
- Emily VanCamp.de ::: first german fansite ::: online since 2003
- http://www.brothersandsisters-tv.com/forums/ (Message boards)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Julia Stiles

For more information on Julia Stiles, go to these sites:
- http://www.juliastilesfan.com/
- http://www.j-stiles.com/
- http://community.livejournal.com/juliastlies/
- Julia-Stiles.com
- Julia Stiles News
- http://www.celebopedia.com/stiles/
- taod.com - Pictures
- http://www.the-alist.org/JuliaStiles/
- JuliaStiles.free.fr
- Acting Naturally - A Julia Stiles Fan Site
- The Julia Stiles Picture Pages
- http://www.left-behind.org/julia/ (Julia's fanlisting)
- http://www.tv-now.com/stars/jstiles.html
- http://www.tvguide.com/detail/celebrity.aspx?tvobjectid=159277 (Julia's movie schedule)
- http://www.inspirationally.org/bourne/ (The Bourne Movies' fanlisting)
- http://kino-express.ru/stills/omen666 (The Omen Movie pictures)
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Julia_Stiles
See my previous blog on Julia here
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Mandy Moore

For more information on Mandy Moore , go to these sites:
- http://www.mandymoore.com/ (official site)
- Mandy Moore Net
- :Moore Of Mandy.com: The Official Fansite of Mandy Moore
- Lost in the Crowd: Mandy Moore
- Mandy Moore - Welcome to MandyMoore.cc from Fanhost Networks
- Mandy Moore Effect
- Mandy-M.Org Your Mandy Moore source 24 hours 7 days a week!!!
- mandy moore (Myspace site)
- The Mandy Moore Picture Pages
- Mandy Moore News
- http://mandymoore.infopop.cc/eve (Mandy's forums)
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Mandy_Moore
- http://www.celebopedia.com/moore/
- http://mandymoore.fanhost.com/
Arielle Kebbel

For more information on Arielle Kebbel, go to these sites:
- http://www.ariellekebbel.com/ (Official site)
- http://ariellekebbel.fanhost.com/
- http://www.bonkablebeauties.com/females/ArielleKebbel/
- http://www.arielle-kebbel.com/
- http://www.celebopedia.com/arielle-kebbel/
- http://www.ariellekebbel.org/default.asp
- The Arielle Kebbel Picture Pages
- http://fan.paintedsilence.org/arielle/ (Arielle's fanlisting)
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Arielle_Kebbel
Friday, January 05, 2007
Jessica Alba

For more information on Jessica Alba, go to these sites:
- http://www.jess-alba.org/
- http://www.devotion-alba.net/
- The Alba Area
- http://ja-central.org/
- JessicaAlba.net
- JessicaAlba.org
- Jessica-Alba.ws
- Jessica Alba Photos - ThePlaCe.ru
- http://www.jonmega.com/gallery/celebs/Jessica_Alba
- Alba Realm
- j-alba.org
- The Jessica Alba Picture Pages
- Jessica-Alba.org : Jessica Alba
- J.A.D.E. - The Jessica Alba Dedication Experience
- Jessica Alba Gallery
- jessicaalbaclub.com: Jessica Alba
- - Jessica Alba News
- Celebopedia - Jessica Alba
- CanMag- Jessica Alba News, Pics, Stills, Info
Jennifer Morrison

For more information on Jennifer Morrison, go to these sites:
- Dr. Allison Cameron (Jenny's character on House)
- http://www.jennifermorrison.net/
- http://www.jennifer-morrison.net/
- http://j-morrison.org/
- http://jenmorrison.heavens-angel.net/
- http://community.livejournal.com/jmo_daily/
- http://www.carnivorous-carnival.com/jennifermorrison/indexx.html (also known as http://www.carnivorous-carnival.com/jennifermorrison/
- http://www.celebopedia.com/jennifer-morrison/
- http://www.jennifer-morrison-pictures.com/
- http://www.up4u.net/cs/go/People/JenniferMorrison
- The Jennifer Morrison Picture Pages
- {{flourish}} the fanlisting for jennifer morrison
- http://i-am-gray.livejournal.com/
- http://www.house-boards.com/
- http://house-online.org/
Hilary Duff

For more information on Hilary Duff, go to these sites:
- http://www.hilaryduff.com/
- http://www.wikimusicguide.com/Hilary_Duff
- http://www.hilaryduff.bz/
- http://www.hilaryd.org/
- http://www.hottie.co.uk/hilary
- http://hilaryduff.fanhost.com/
- http://www.h-duff.org/
- http://www.oh-hilary.com/
- http://www.ultimatehilary.org/
- http://www.hil-duff.net/
- http://www.hilarynews.com/
- http://www.hilaryontheweb.com/
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Hilary_Duff
- u n i q u e ... the hilary duff fanlisting
- http://www.celebopedia.com/duff/
Franka Potente

For morw information on Franka Potente. go to these sites:
- http://www.franka-potente.org/
- Powerful, The Franka Potente Fanlisting
- The Franka Potente Picture Pages
- http://www.tvwiki.tv/wiki/Franka_Potente
- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franka_Potente (German)
- http://www.celebopedia.com/franka-potente/
- http://www.inspirationally.org/bourne/ (The Bourne Movies' fanlisting)
One of my favorite movies is : Run Lola Run
Alona Tal

For more information on Alona Tal , go to these sites:
- Meg Manning (Alona's character on Veronica Mars)
- Jo Harvelle (Alona's character on Supernatural)
- Alona Tal Online
- http://fan.elevator-fragments.net/alona/ (Alona's fanlisting)
- http://community.livejournal.com/atalfans/
- http://winchester-journals.net/cast/alonatal.php