Ruby is a
fictional character on
The CW Television Network's
Supernatural portrayed by
Katie Cassidy.
BiographyIn the beginning, not much is really known about Ruby, a feisty blonde who was introduced in "
The Magnificent Seven". Towards the beginning of the Season 3 premiere, we see Ruby as a strange blond woman who follows/watches
Sam Winchester. She seemingly focuses on Sam throughout the episode, coming close to approaching him once, but when he turns around, she disappears. In the final moments of the episode as Sam is being overtaken by demons, Ruby miraculously appears out of nowhere, brandishing a potent weapon. One of the women possessed by the demons apparently notices her and begins to fight her, but is quickly dispatched by Ruby and her knife. Ruby then proceeds to slaughter all the other demons hurting Sam to his awe. Before she leaves, she tells him that "I'm the girl that saved your ass," and then disappears out of the house into the night. Left in complete shock, Sam wonders about Ruby...as well as her "demon-killing knife," which Bobby has no knowledge of whatsoever.
Ruby then appears in the next episode, "
The Kids Are Alright", with a seemingly less than significant role. Ruby still remains cryptic with her motives and does not reveal too much, except that she wants to help Sam. She informs Sam that there is work to be done, referring to the changelings present in the episode. She does not return until the end of the episode and this is when she reveals what she really is, a demon. Sam threatens to kill her, but she says that she is on his side, and that not all demons just walk around the world senselessly killing people. She promises that she can help Sam with Dean's contract, possibly hinting that Dean may not die after all.
Next, she appears in "
Sin City". She manifests herself to appear before Bobby, who is unsuccessful in rebuilding
The Colt, since all of its bullets have been used up. As Bobby looks on at Ruby with fear, she urges him to shoot her, which he does. The Colt obviously does not work as Ruby stands there, still very much alive and peeved, informing Bobby that he will need to get her a new shirt. It is presumed that Bobby does in fact accept Ruby's offer, and the two set off to rebuild the Colt together. Near the end of the episode, Ruby and Bobby return to help the Winchesters with the Colt. Dean is knocked away by one of the demons who has come to retrieve Casey, another demon, but Sam gets the gun in the end. When Sam shoots the demon possessing the priest as well Casey, it is shown that the Colt is in fact effective. Both of the demons then have a seizure-like fit and emit light from their eyes and mouth, before falling lifeless to the ground, leaving a bloody human host behind. In the last minutes of the episode, Sam threatens to kill Ruby with the Colt, but Ruby sits around, unphased as she knows that Sam won't kill her. He then lowers the gun, allowing Ruby to live and continue to "help him". Her true motives or plans for the Winchesters are currently unknown, but time will ultimately tell all. Also in the last moments of an episode, Ruby claims to be the "Little Fallen Angel" on Sam's shoulder, this may hint something about who or what she is.
Finally, in "
Malleus Maleficarum", we discover that Ruby used to be a witch who sold her soul to an unknown demon before her death. The demon, known as "Tammi", revealed that Ruby used to serve her, but since then has been let go. Her role became more vital in this episode as Ruby tries to warn Sam and Dean that something evil is looking for them, specifically a demon, and that it seeks death and vengeance. However, due to the Winchesters' stubborn nature, they stay behind and discover a coven of witches. In a final showdown between Tammi and Ruby, Tammi seems to have the upper hand, but is prevented from what looked like a demonic "soul extraction" from Ruby's human host when one of the witches in the coven does a spell to counteract her actions. Ruby, seconds from dying, is ultimately saved by Dean when he uses her dagger to stab Tammi multiple times in the back, killing her. At the end of the ordeal, Sam and Dean wish to stay behind to help clean up the mess. A disgruntled and somewhat embarrassed Ruby shrugs them off, and when they don't leave, she flashes demonic eyes to intimidate them. Obviously sensing her fury, Sam and Dean go back to their motel for the night. However, when they get to the motel, Dean steps outside and notices a crackling of electricity all around the motel and the surrounding area. He then turns around and faces a much more pacified Ruby, who seems to just want to talk. Ruby reveals that she was once truly a human, but years in hell have stripped her soul away and made her a demon. She then reads Dean's mind and says that, yes, he will turn into a demon when he goes to hell and that there is no way to stop it. Ruby also says that she only told Sam that she could help him save Dean's soul in order to get past his uncomfortable outlook on the fact that Ruby is a demon. Disturbed and left speechless, Dean asks her one last question about why she wants their side to win. Ruby then quietly responds that she still remember what it's like to be human and says that she isn't the same as the other demons, though she wishes she was. Before Dean can actually respond to Ruby, he becomes distracted and when he turns to talk to her, she has mysteriously vanished once again.
Although Ruby was once a witch during the plague she has a very low opinion of them and refers to them as "whores" because they sell their souls for power.
Ruby is still a mysterious being, and saves Dean's life after he tried to kill her, and as Sam said "if she wants us dead, all she has to do is stop saving our lives." So as far as we can tell Ruby is one of the good guys and maybe a big help to the Winchester bothers.
For more on Ruby, go to these sites: